Monday, April 27, 2009

6x1 Part Dos

If there was a sixbyonetwo, I would like to try using methods we did for the first six assignments and intergrade them all together. For example, have an assignment where we shoot with the Bolex and also have to use rayogram footage. I think this could be really interesting. Or having scratched film mixed with some 2D Animation Super 8 footage? Sounds good to me. I think we should have another 48 hour video race as well. This time have a few props, like one being something physical and another being something like a location. Just imagine a whole class trying to get to the same location within 48 hours and get footage? That would be awesome/ crazy. Or even if you have new assignments for this class, at the very end of the semester have them all be put together as one film five minute film. They can be spliced together or edited however; it just has to contain all aspects of the class up until that point. That way, when the semester is nearing a close people don't have to worry about trying to finish a project but instead just have to piece all of their work they have done throughout the semester together.

I also think that we should do some more of the stuff we did at the beginning of the semester like painting, magazine transfers and scratching. I think there are so many other possibilities here with film stock and we should futher explore it. Also with rhythmic editing, we could have to do it in half the time of the first or have a prop or theme. I don't know, I just really enjoyed this semester and everything we did so I wouldn't mind trying to do these assignments again with new material or modifying the assignments to make them new and exciting.

I would also like to try to shoot on the Super 8 outside in the dark once again. When we tried it this semester the footage didn't turn out and it sucked because Ross and I did leap frog among other cool shit that we never got to see. I put all of my time and effort in that and i got no payoff. I did get payoff in the Bolex project though as Joselyn got to beat me up and I got to chase after her and fall in puddles. What a fun day in the rain. Anyways, I am rambling now, but I definitely think that sixbyonetwo should be offered in the future and it should be like a "REMIX" type class where it is very similar assignments with a twist. Sounds like a good drink to me. Cheers.


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