Thursday, March 26, 2009

Freestyle: A Whole Semester in the Dark

So.. we have a blog where we have to do freestyle, so I figured I'd talk about something that I find amusing relating to a certain class and/or certain professor. In this class, a class that I was relatively excited about taking when I was at the senior level, has been a complete let down. Now I'll be honest, I have learned some things in the class. We have done a few assignments here and there and did a few workshops that I found could be helpful in the future. But our final (and only) scene to film (from here on out I will refer to it as a "project" so I don't get too heavy into details), given certain days and times to film during class time, isn't encouraged to be done as good as possible, but rather "dogma" style. It's more about "process" than "product". Understandable, but I think it is a little bit of both, not one or the other. I asked to be able to do my "project" at a different time and have more people/equipment to make it look as good as possible. I am getting ready to graduate in the Fall and I would like to have something to show. I have been in FST 302: Doc and FST 495: Doc, so this is a chance where I get to work with a narrative (other than other student films I have helped out on).

I just am bothered that when I was denied of not being able to do it on my own and it's not about the product, the reason why is because it is "not fair to others". "We don't have enough equipment," was another one... I think if a student should want to go above and beyond to try their best it should be encouraged, not denied. If I have the means of doing it the best I can, I should. It is fair game to any student in that class and you would hope they all want to do their best, and if not they are not going to care enough to get upset if someone who wants to do it well does. That is why in a class you have people that get A's and others F's. Not everyone is going to try as hard as someone else and I don't think that means what is "fair" or not. Everyone has a chance to do this, but we are restricted. I even asked if I could do it during my given time and then again, that way the professor could help with the process and then I could later finish whatever we needed and make it decent. This was still iffy, but I think I am going to do it anyway. I am here, paying for my education and have access to this equipment and other tools that in a few months I will no longer be able to use. I think I should have the right to do it as best as I can because it will help out in the end. I mean, what is the worst that will happen? Will I get a bad grade because I did something better than what was asked? Or at least tried to do something on my own so I could get experience? I am not really sure, but this next week is going to be interesting, that's for sure.


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